At the GPP Federation, our aim is to provide our children with an engaging, exciting and empowering curriculum that equips them for life. Our curriculum focuses upon raising aspirations, providing a purpose and relevance for learning and helping children realise their strengths and fulfil their potential.
To help us achieve our aims, we have identified 4 threads which weave through all aspects of our curriculum. These drive us in developing an inspiring learning experience which meets the needs of all members within our federation family. Our drivers are:
- High aspirations for all. Enabling all our children to flourish. Fostering a positive attitude to learning; a belief in ourselves; being ambitious learners and challenging stereotypes.
- Fostering a love of language. We begin by focusing upon developing our children’s spoken language. Our curriculum utilises opportunities to use spoken language to become better communicators. Alongside this we foster a love and passion for reading; immersing them in a language rich environment
- Learning through experiences. Maximising hands-on opportunities; meeting visitors that inspire us and visiting places of interest. Bringing learning to life for our children
- Building strong relationships. Within our federation family, children are nurtured to believe in themselves and to become resilient learners. Celebrating our school and wider community; promoting British values and supporting our spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. Preparing our children for life in modern Britain.
At the GPP Federation, every member of our school family is recognised as a unique individual, and we celebrate and welcome differences within our school community. We use our school ethos and core values as the foundations for learning, and this is underpinned by the teaching of basic skills, knowledge, concepts and values, with a vision to prepare our children for life. Forest School, for our youngest children, is a key part of this learning where children gain pride and self-respect from being challenged to push their boundaries. We believe that children should be happy, curious and imaginative.
Our curriculum is designed to recognise children’s prior learning, while providing first hand learning experiences, which allow our children to develop their interpersonal skills, build resilience and become critical thinkers who thrive on academic challenge. Our focus on curriculum development, promotes teaching and learning experiences which are carefully designed to ensure coverage and progression. High expectations of the teaching and application of basic skills provide access to learning for everyone. Educationally relevant trips and visitors to the school are chosen to enhance the curriculum, and to provide pupils with memorable experiences. These combine to create diverse and rich opportunities from which children learn and develop a range of transferable skills. Subject Leaders are integral to the success of our curriculum, by managing a regular programme of monitoring, evaluation and review.
We pride ourselves on our exclusive environment. Learning is planned using the requirements of the National Curriculum and a thorough knowledge of the strengths and needs of our children. Those who are more able are challenged; encouraged to expand their skills and knowledge. Those who find learning more difficult are nurtured and given targeted support through tailored interventions. This allows them to embed skills, to develop at their own pace and to learn in a style that best suits their individual needs.
Children leave us with a sense of belonging to a tightly knit community where they have the self- confidence and skills to make decisions, self-evaluate and become lifelong learners.
All children in our school will follow the National Curriculum programmes of study.
This includes:
Core Subjects – English, Maths & Science
Foundation Subjects – Art, History, Geography, Music, DT, Computing, PE, Modern Foreign Languages (Spanish), PSHE
The teaching of Religious Education is a statutory requirement in all schools. We follow the Gloucestershire Agreed Syllabus.
Curriculum Statement of Intents
Mathematics Statement of Intent
Design and Technology Statement of Intent
Physical Education Statement of Intent